Preparing the post-COVID-19
We are going through difficult and troubling times. We worry about our health, our families, friends and communities, our economy and our businesses, and our future. The future will prove that this crisis – as all other disasters in the past – is temporary. It will however bring pain and it will question and challenge many of the rules and assumptions we lived by. As every other crisis, this “perfect storm” will also bring new perspectives and new solutions to our problems, individual and collective. It is every leader’s responsibility to fight the crisis and its immediate challenges. But this is also every leader’s responsibility to prepare the after-crisis and build a better future for their organization and their community.
When a big crisis as COVID-19 hits, it shakes everyone and everything. It shakes the entire organization. All its people: from the CEO to the frontline employees. All its structures, systems and departments. All its processes and services. All its relationships with clients and stakeholders.
The organization’s landscape becomes a moving land and the territory we knew yesterday suddenly appears less familiar, with more rocks (uncertainties) than a land ready to be cultivated (certainties).
The crisis test will inevitably show our organization’s vulnerabilities. Recognizing them and acting on them is imperative.
It will also show our organization’s strengths. Acting on them is also imperative, at least as much if not more important than acting on some of our vulnerabilities.
COVID-19 will make emerge new needs – in our social and economic environment, markets, people, in our own and other organizations. Some of these needs will be crisis-related and temporary. Others will have the potential to enrich and reinforce our organization’s mission. They will also show the road to the future. Our capacity to detect them and to act on them will be a test for our readiness for the future.
Ultimately, a crisis is a litmus test for our organization’s resilience. It is an opportunity to learn from the past and the present and to prepare the future.
A crisis not only tests your organization’s resilience, vulnerabilities and strengths, it also offers opportunities to chart your organization’s future. Transforming the vulnerabilities into strengths and the challenges into opportunities is the only way to prepare for a brighter post-COVID-19 Era.
What lessons would you learn from your organization’s crisis test?
How can you prepare your organization to succeed in the post-COVID-19 era?
Contact us and engage your action now.